Wolfe Update - Four Months
You would think I would have more time for the occasional blog update, but Wolfe still cries a lot and takes up all my time, except for small breaks when he is sleeping. Despite not working I still don't get much done, I guess it's a little better I can usually get the dishes done during the day and a few small things, but generally my days are consumed with feeding, burping, changing diapers, moving him around to his gym, rocker, swing to see if he will play and not cry then holding him or walking him, then feeding him, repeat, repeat, repeat.
He has gotten better with sleeping, we now start him out down in his crib and he falls asleep on his own. Sometimes he'll sleep for a five or six hours at a time, but more typically it's like four before he wakes up and is hungry. So we put him to bed around 8pm and he wakes up anywhere from 11pm to 2am to be fed, then wakes up again around 5 or 6am at which point I ususally have him in bed with me and from then until we actually get out of bed he naps a little but is kind of up, I'm usually just too tired to get up yet so we have this routine where I feed him, try to get a little more sleep, feed him on the other side, etc. until Kurt comes down around 7:30 or so with coffee!
His head control has gotten much better which is great, I can pick him up without being so worried about supporting his head and he can sit up with some help and really likes to stand with his body supported, his little legs are super strong. He is also become very tactile he likes gripping things with his hands and has a killer grip, probably good for climbing some day, but not so good when he tries to grip my skin when feeding in his little fists. He also laughs and smiles and likes it when dad flies him around and helps him stand and jump. He goes for his four month appointment this week and has to get a bunch more shots, poor Wolfe.
Here are some recent photos of his better moments!
Wolfe in the morning after finding his sleep sack full of poop.
Wolfe Working With Dad
Wolfe in His Swing
Wolfe's Snowsuit That Didn't Fit!