Wolfe Starts Daycare
Wolfe started daycare this week. It was hard leaving him the first day but he seemed to do better than expected. I stopped back to check on him and he was cryinga little, but immediately stopped when I held him. Most of the day he's in a room with I think two other babies so he gets a little more attention than is typical. The typical ratio is five babies to one caregiver- and in the other room there are up to ten babies so it's much more chaotic. The first day he came home tired with red cheeks probably from rubbing them or trying to nurse a pillow. Overall he seemed to do ok, he is napping at daycare and takes his bottles, the solid food is kind of hit or miss. He doesn't have a set schedule so figuring out a schedule for him at daycare and his cues is a bit tricky, but they seem to be doing ok.
Dar playing at daycare
Dar sleeping at daycare
It was great to have a some time to do some things uninterrupted, the first day I came home and just blissed out with the silence and calmness of being home alone.
Unfortunately this weekend Dar got sick and had a miserable night. He probably picked something up at daycare or possibly it was his six month immunizations or being outside in cold weather, regardless the poor little guy is all snotty and trying to breath through a stuffed up nose while nursing. He didn't sleep worth shit last night so eventually I just went downstairs and laid with him and he slept a little. We put on Baby Einstein this morning to try to distract him from his miserableness and it worked for about 10 minutes.
Wolfe watching TV
Then he started crying and whining again....it's going to be a long day, hopefully he gets feeling better soon.