Wolfe Goes Out for Pho
After about two months of being mainly at home, Wolfe is adventuring out into the world. Mom and Wolfe met Dad and our friend Karen for pho. This was the first time Mom took Wolfe in the car on her own. For moms that have c-sections recovery takes 6-8 weeks and you are not supposed to lift anything heavy during that time including the car seat with baby in it...pretty much meant I was homebound unless Wolfe and I walked somewhere or Dad came with us. For someone that was out and about a lot, staying at home all day every day started to wear on me, so getting out with Wolfe was great. Also Wolfe enjoys being out and around other people quite a bit, he always on his best behavior and rarely cries around others (unlike at home!). He was the perfect little baby while Karen held him, and although he opted for milk not pho this time we're sure he's going to like trying all kind of new foods when he grows up.