Raven's First Camping Trip

Raven's First Camping Trip

In the June of 2020 we did a weekend camping trip, this was Jesse’s first camping trip, we spent one night down south and another night up by Piney Lake.  It ended up being a lot of driving and less camping and hanging out than expected.  The camping down south was full and we drove around a lot and finally got a spot, but there was too much traffic and other people so the next night we went up to Piney Lake, but the trail and back country camping was closed so we had to camp off the road and a bunch of other people were doing the same thing.  We huffed it up a big steep hill with our gear and camped there.  Jesse did pretty good for his first camping trip and it was good to get out.

Raven is 5 Months!

Raven is 5 Months!

Wolfe Welcomes Raven to the World

Wolfe Welcomes Raven to the World