Wolfe Turns One!
Well hard to believe a whole year has passed and Wolfe is one! He had his birthday on July 25th while we were on a two week long camping trip to the National Parks. He got some presents before and after the trip and Dad got us an ice cream bar but we didn't get to eat it before it melted.
Darwin opening birthday presents at Granny's.
Wolfe started walking on the trip, he was on verge for quite a long time and now is walking around everywhere getting into trouble. He loves to go in the kitchen cupboards and see what he can get out to play with and put things in the cupboards. I found his clothes and toys and my flip flops in the kitchen cupboardHe's quite vocal and chats quite a bit and when he's mad he let's us know. We can't understand what he's saying, but wish we could because he's got an awful lot to say and will babble as if he is having a regular conversation.
Wolfe did good on the camping trip, the toughest part was getting him to fall asleep in the tent. I had to go in and try to get him to calm down and sleep, usually he would tear around the tent crawling from mat to mat playing, eventually he would fall asleep laying on me and then I would have to try to carefully move him and if I wasn't too tired get a little campfire time before crashing. We did a fair amount of hiking and he did well in the backpack carrier and would fall asleep in the carrier on our longer hikes. We also did some swimming which he enjoyed. First we swam in String Lake in the Tetons after a long hike around Jenny Lake and we swam in Bowman Lake up by Polebridge. Next stop was Yellowstone, we saw a bunch of cool geysers and the yellow canyon. Couldn't get camping there so we stayed in a hotel right outside the park. Then we visited Glacier National Park and camped at Avalanche Campground. The final stop on the way home was BLM camping at Hole in the Wall where Sundance and Butch Cassidy hung out.
Click the arrows on the photo below to see the slideshow of the trip.
Wolfe is starting to eat more things, although recently he's been teething and stopped eating solids all together for a while. He really likes fruit- bananas, cherries, strawberries and still likes some of his veggie squeezies and broccoli. He tried chicken, fish, toast, fries, yogurt, but moose drool is his favorite. He had his one year wellness check and is doing great, weighing in at 22lbs and 3 oz- there's a reason we call him Big Dar, he's certainly grown a lot!
I think Wolfe's entering the terrible twos already, he's running around getting into everything and no longer wants to take no for answer. If I take something away he'll cry loudly or push my hand away if I try to help him. Instead of lying quietly in my arms when I put him to bed, he wriggles out and starts running around the room playing or makes a mad dash for the door to try to go upstairs. Oh- one more thing I almost forgot Wolfe has leaned to play the kazoo, although sometimes he plays on the wrong end he usually figures it out.