

After three nights in Grenada we headed to Ronda.  Although the drive was only three or four hours it ended up taking most of the day.  After breakfast at the four gatos we hiked back to the car with all of our stuff and hit the road.  We wanted to stop at Montefrio on the way and somehow the directions got messed up and we ended up in the middle of the countryside up some dirt roads surrounded by farms.  We navigated back down the hill to Montefrio and parked to go walk around the city.  Montefrio is a small town in the countryside with a castle up on the hill.  Driving takes a lot more time, we have to stop for diaper changes and feedings  frequently and its quite stressful driving with a screaming baby,  I sat and fed Wolfe in a park when we got to Montefrio and by the time we were getting ready to go he was crying his eyes out again.  Montefrio was a cool town and the castle was neat even though we couldn't go inside.  We had to stop to feed Wolfe and got some lunch, bocadillos, sandwiches



Ronda y el medico

Ronda y el medico